Dream Team

Dream Team

We love that you are interested in getting more involved at Victory. A great way to do that is to start serving with us! You have a valuable part to play in what God wants to do at Victory.

Here is your first step: Start and complete Growth Track. These classes are designed to help you know why we do what we do as a church and discover your part to play in helping us reach people. There are four classes, but you can start at any point.

February Growth Track Schedule

All sessions are located in the Second Floor Chapel.

Step 1: March 2nd | Following the 11 AM service.

Step 2: March 9th | 9:30 AM

Step 3: March 16th | 9:30 AM

Fast Track Growth Track Schedule

March 15th, 2025 | 9AM - 12PM | Next Gen Auditorium

Join us for Fast Track where you will go through our Growth Track step 1 through step 3 in one day!


Second Step: Once you start Growth Track, there is an approval process that all volunteers must go through. Click on each box below and work your way through the corresponding content to become an Approved Volunteer.

Areas to Serve

Once you become an approved volunteer, in the last class of the growth track, you will have the opportunity to meet & ask questions with the leaders of the area you desire to serve in. In the meantime, you can check out some of the available areas to serve below:

Host Team

Greeters – Greet attendees as they enter our main outside doors, as well as the doors that go inside the Main Auditorium. Our greeters also hand out informational bulletins as attendees enter the sanctuary.

Ushers – Assist attendees finding their seats for service, assist with offering collection, and assist with needs throughout the service.

Parking Lot Team – Welcome attendees the moment they drive onto Victory’s campus, drive attendees to and from their cars using our golf carts, help direct our assisted lot parking section for our first-time guests, Champion’s Club families, and senior-adult parking.

Church Services
  • Bookstore
  • Production
  • Translation
  • Victory Worship
  • Creative Arts
Next Generation

Victory Kids – We believe that God created each child on purpose and for a purpose, and everything we do in our Kids Ministry is built around this truth. We know that children come to know God is a new and unique way at every stage of their life, and it is our team’s greatest desire to create a place where children come to KNOW HIM, LOVE HIM and SERVE HIM!

Victory Youth – We are the youth group at Victory Tulsa. Every week students from Tulsa and surrounding cities gather together to hang with friends, grow deeper in their faith and get empowered to make a difference in their world.

Church Ministries
  • Single Parents
  • Singles Ministry
  • Food Service & Catering
  • Jail & Prison Ministry
  • Senior Adults
  • Church Office Support
Guest/Member Experience

Next Steps – Our next steps team helps our Victory family take their next steps here at Victory. Whether they’re looking to find a group, get baptized, start volunteering or start our growth track, you’d help them navigate through the process.

VIP – Our first-time guests are our VIPs. Our VIP team adds the unique and memorable experience that we want all of our first-time guests to have by welcoming them, giving them an overview of Victory, inviting them to Growth Track, and giving them a free gift.

Growth Track – Our growth track team takes care of all aspects relating to helping our members get plugged in here at Victory through our weekly growth track classes.

Group Experts – Help members find the perfect group for them! We serve at services in the Groups Wall in the lobby helping people find a group that fits their needs, schedule, age, etc.

Local & Global Reach
  • Walk-It-Out Events
  • International Missions Teams
  • Missions Department

For questions about our Dream Team and the application process please call our Volunteer Ministry at 918.491.7815 or email us at dreamteam@victory.com