
Location | Group Name | Leader Names

Victory For Veterans - Building Pathways Home
Silver Skillet Family Diner

Campus: Tulsa Childcare: No Childcare

Group Description:

This is a Coed Connect Group that helps veterans and families in need. We want to let God use us to provide community opportunities to change people's lives. We have access to external organizations that help veterans. We will use God's Word to help us Move Forward! // Led by Peter Luitwieler & Kenneth Billups //Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday // 6:00 PM // Silver Skillet 8228 E 61st Suite 114 Tulsa // No Purchase Required // For more info call 918.630.1891


Every 2nd, 4th Tuesday at 06:00PM


Peter Luitwieler
Kenneth Billups


Silver Skillet Family Diner